Brian's Sixth Drawing Class - Tapestry 1/2

Brian’s Sixth Drawing Class – Tapestry 1/2

For our final two lessons with Brian we are going participate in a group project. In today’s lesson we were each given an A3 sheet which had a section of the old post office in Fitzalan square. Our aim is to draw our piece and then add colour to it – through any form of medium we wish. By the end we will join them all together to create a tapestry of the building to go on one of the its wall.


The Old Post Office. This is what we will each get a section of – there are 52 all together.

We had a long group discussion about how to go about doing the task. The group before us had set the base ideas so we developed from there. Brian discussed ‘sciography’ which ‘ is a branch of science of the perspective dealing with the projection of shadows, or delineation of an object in perspective with its gradations of light and shade’. The light source will be from the top left corner at a 45 degree angle, meaning shadows and dark hues will be on the right of the buildings protruding features. We will look at how to create the sky in next weeks lesson so there is only one colour throughout – the colours and shadings for the building itself however, can be mismatched.

Brian demonstrating sciography

Brian demonstrating sciography

In class we focused more on talking and planning about the piece and did not do much work on paper.