What is an Archive?

What is an Archive?

This was a theory seminar led by Eve on how to go about our blog and what we were expected to complete over the next few weeks. The blog is to be an archive of our work to store and document throughout my time as an interior design student. It will be divided up into different categories, enabling each task I did per day to be organisde effectively. A sketchbook would also be useful as it means I can jot down all of my observations, discoveries and inspirations. I could do this in the form of text, media and drawing to understand and resolve ideas. When taking photographs of the work I have done as evidence to put on my blog, I will take into consideration angles, cropping and scaling, lighting, colour and contrast. I can edit some photos to enhance their characteristics. I can use hyperlinks if I wanted to refer to a specific webiste or page, such as in referencing. In SHU when referencing the Harvard style is used. It is important to reference as it avoids plagiarism.

Over the last few months I have been collecting various pieces of information and pictures which I am using to create a scrapbook. I take pictures of interesting patterns and compositions I see and take cuttings from newspapers, magazines, leaflets and pretty much anything I find which I could use at a later date – for example have a go at or find inspiration from. It is not just patterns, but also interior spaces, colour schemes and products, such as furniture that i like. I believe this is a form of archive as it can refer back to it during my work and it is a way of keeping track of thoughts and ideas in my head. Below are some of my findings and photos.




Magazine clippings




Colour schemed sketchbook I made