What is space? An introduction to the First Assessment

What is space? An introduction to the First Assessment

In Eve’s seminar we were briefed on what the next few weeks would entail and discussed what space was. A few answers were; an enclosed area that can be manipulated for specific uses and actions. It can produce different feelings and emotions such as feeling trapped or safe. The dimensions can vary along with its actions, for example a car can travel. After this we were put into groups and drew our dream space onto a piece of paper. We then went out into the city with the task to draw a certain space we saw. We looked at negative, positive, between, inside and outside spaces along with the scale of buildings ans objects. We chose to go to the Sheaf Valley Park and draw the vast view of the city. We took photos of what we saw and stuck them onto our sheet. Once all the groups had completed the task we walked around the room looking at each others sheets. This was really interesting as I learnt what space meant from different peoples perspectives. We discussed our outcome to the group opposite us and they liked how everything seemed to be linked, from the path throughout the sheet to the matching of the curved steps to the curved roofs of some buildings.


Our group discussion of our dream spaces led to this

IMG_4361 (1)

Our view of the city


Drawing our view of the city